Welcome to The Box!
A place where you can create and solve boxes.
boxes can be any type of challenge, puzzle, or riddle. You make a box and the community tries to solve it.

GET / - View this message
GET /boxes - get a list of boxes
GET /box/:id - get a box by id

POST /create - create a new box
    Content-Type: application/json
    data: {
      name: string, min 3, max 50
      content: string, max 200
      solution: string, max 200
      difficulty?: number, 1-5
      tags?: array of strings, each tag length min 3, max 20
POST /box/:id/solve - solve a box by id
    Content-Type: application/json
    data: {
      solution: string, max 200

Quick Tips: 
    Use ggl.link/jsonformatter to easily work with JSON data in Browser
    Use curl or other tools to interact with the API from terminal

Author: github.com/arnav-kr

Happy Box-ing! (lol)🎉